BPRV™ Buckling Pin Relief Valve

Performance Features

  • Sizes from 2" to 78" (50mm to 1,950mm)
  • Externally reset in minutes, without the need to open the pipeline
  • Continuous processing (fast inline external reset)
  • Hazardous service (limits operator exposure)
  • Large line size (available up to 78")
  • High flow capacity
  • Low Pressure Drop – low Krgl – 1.22
  • High operating pressure to set pressure ratio, 95% on minimum.
  • Cryogenic designs available
  • ASME "UD" stamped, section XIII
  • European Pressure Equipment Directive "CE" marked

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  • Set Pressures
  • Tolerance
  • Materials & Accessories
  • Documentation

Set Pressures

BPRV™ Capabilities
Inlet Size Flow Area Set Pressure Range
2 NPS 2.75 sq in 15 - 2250 psi
3 NPS 6 sq in 15 - 2250 psi
4 NPS 10 sq in 15 - 2250 psi
6 NPS 23.5 sq in 1 - 2250 psi
8 NPS 39.65 sq in 1 - 2250 psi
10 NPS 62.48 sq in 1 - 2250 psi
12 NPS 90.5 sq in 1 - 2250 psi
14 NPS 109 sq in 1 - 2250 psi
16 NPS 149 sq in 1 - 1440 psi
18 NPS 196.2 sq in 1 - 1440 psi
20 NPS 239.1 sq in 1 - 1440 psi
24 NPS 367.6 sq in 1 - 720 psi
30 NPS 601 sq in 1 - 720 psi
32 NPS 614 sq in 1 - 720 psi
34 NPS 695 sq in 1 - 720 psi
36 NPS 781 sq in 1 - 720 psi
38 NPS 872 sq in 1 - 720 psi
40 NPS 968 sq in 1 - 720 psi
42 NPS 1069 sq in 1 - 720 psi
44 NPS 1175 sq in 1 - 720 psi
46 NPS 1286 sq in 1 - 720 psi
48 NPS 1403 sq in 1 - 720 psi
52 NPS 1650 sq in 1 - 720 psi
54 NPS 1784 sq in 1 - 720 psi
56 NPS 1918 sq in 1 - 720 psi
60 NPS 2206 sq in 1 - 720 psi

Burst Tolerance

Marked Burst Pressure Burst Tolerance
> 40 psig (> 2.76 barg) ± 2 psig (0.138 barg)
< 40 psig (< 2.76 barg) ± 5%


Size psig W d1 d2 t1 t2 K1 K2 Weight
in mm min max in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm lbs
2 50 35 275 3.5 89 2.07 53 6.65 169 6.78 172 16 406 11 279 13 330 135
3 75 24 125 4 102 3.07 78 8 203 6.78 172 15 406 12 305 13.5 343 160
25 236 3.7 94 3.07 78 7.75 197 6.78 172 16 406 12 305 13.5 343 150
4 100 12 50 4.7 119 4.03 102 10.8 274 6.78 172 16 406 14.5 368 14 356 220
20 275 4.5 114 4.03 102 10.5 267 6.78 172 16 406 14.5 368 14 356
6 150 3 25 5.66 144 6.07 154 12.7 323 6.78 172 16 406 15.5 394 15 381 280
12 260 4.5 114 6.07 154 13.13 334 6.78 172 16 406 16 406 15 381 245
8 200 1 20 6.2 157 7.98 203 15 381 6.78 172 16 406 17 432 16.5 419 340
5 75 6.2 157 7.98 203 13.9 353 6.78 172 16 406 17 432 16.5 419 275
30 275 5.1 130 7.98 203 13.75 349 6.78 172 16 406 17 432 16.5 419 275
10 250 1 8 8 203 10.02 255 18.3 465 6.78 172 16 406 18 457 17.5 445 465
9 80 5.62 143 10.02 255 16 406 6.78 172 16 406 17.5 445 16.5 419 350
12 300 1 12 9.15 232 12 305 20.25 514 6.78 172 16 406 19 483 19 483 600
11 40 7 178 12 305 19.75 502 6.78 172 16 406 19 483 18.5 470 530
14 70 7 178 12 305 19.59 498 6.78 172 16 406 19 483 18.5 470 500
20.5 228 7 178 12 305 20.20 513 6.78 172 16 406 19.5 495 19 483 600
14 350 1 8 10.5 267 13.25 337 23 584 6.78 172 16 406 20 508 19 483 890
6.5 45 7.6 193 13.25 337 21.35 542 6.78 172 16 406 20 508 19 483 650
15 80 8.2 208 13.25 337 21.25 540 6.78 172 16 406 20 508 19 483 650
16 400 1 5 12 305 15.25 387 25 635 6.78 172 16 406 21 533 20 508 1110
5 40 9.5 241 15.25 387 23.65 601 6.78 172 16 406 21 533 20.5 521 810
14 245 9.5 241 15.25 387 25.5 648 6.95 177 24.25 616 25.5 648 21 533 1200
18 450 1.5 10 13.2 335 17.25 438 28.33 720 6.95 177 24.25 616 26 660 22 559 1600
7.1 40 10.25 260 17.25 438 25.47 647 6.78 172 16 406 22 559 21 533 1125
19 230 11.5 292 17.25 438 27 686 6.95 177 24.25 616 26 660 22 559 1500
20 500 1.5 12 13.25 337 19.25 489 30.6 777 6.95 177 24.25 616 26 660 24 610 1800
3.5 22 11.5 292 19.25 489 27.7 704 6.78 172 16 406 25 636 23 584 1150
40 150 10.8 274 19.25 489 29.5 749 6.95 177 24.5 622 26 660 23 584 1500
24 600 1.5 15 14 356 23.25 591 33.6 853 6.95 177 24.5 622 28 711 25 635 2060
9 60 11.5 292 23.25 591 32.7 831 6.95 177 24.5 622 28 711 25 635 1750
12 135 11.6 295 23.25 591 32.7 831 6.95 177 24.5 622 28 711 25 635 1800




Materials of Construction

Minimum Standard Materials
  Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Low Temp Carbon Steel
Disc and Shaft (Internals)    
Alternative Materials availabile upon request, e.g Inconel 625, Duplex, Supler Duplex

Flange Torque*

Click here to see complete table.


BS&B supplies many of the accessories required to safely and conveniently install our overpressure relief devices and complementary products. Through our professional team and global network of sales engineers and procurement personnel, we are able to provide the highest quality accessory products to meet your installation requirements.

Saf-T-Pin™ Buckling Pin Cartridge

The BPRV can be provided with buckling pin cartridges that are installed like an electrical fuse. The Saf-T-Pin buckling pin cartridge allows a “quick-change” option of buckling pins with a simple push-in/pull-out design for installation within the enclosure. Each Saf-T-Pin cartridge contains a calibrated buckling pin that is perfectly mounted for optimum performance.


Enclosure is made to IP68 / NEMA 4 or 4X Positions are color-coded: Closed or Open Switch is specified by user to meet local electrical standards

Replacement Buckling Pins

Stainless steel pins with tags containing pressure and traceability information including the serial number of the BPRV device.

Product Literature

Bio-Saf Series Rupture Disk Brochure
Burst Alert Sensors Brochure